Package 'bbsBayes2'

Title: Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis of North American BBS Data
Description: The North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is a long-running program that seeks to monitor the status and trends of the breeding birds in North America. Since its start in 1966, the BBS has accumulated over 50 years of data for over 500 species of North American Birds. Given the temporal and spatial structure of the data, hierarchical Bayesian models are used to assess the status and trends of these 500+ species of birds. 'bbsBayes2' allows you to perform hierarchical Bayesian analysis of BBS data. You can run a full model analysis for one or more species that you choose, or you can take more control and specify how the data should be stratified, prepared for 'Stan', or modelled.
Authors: Brandon P.M. Edwards [aut, cre], Adam C. Smith [aut], Steffi LaZerte [aut]
Maintainer: Brandon P.M. Edwards <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-01-21 03:12:06 UTC

Help Index

Categorize polygon by Province/State


Categorizes custom stratification polygons by province or state if possible. This can be useful for calculating regional indices (generate_indices()) or trends (generate_trends()) on a custom stratification, or if you want to create a geofaceted plot (plot_geofacet()).


  min_overlap = 0.75,
  plot = FALSE,
  keep_spatial = TRUE



sf data frame. Strata polygons to be categorized.


Numeric. The minimum proportion of overlap between a stratum polygon and a Province or State. Overlap below this proportion will raise warnings.


Logical. Whether to plot how polygons were assigned to Provinces or States


Logical. Whether the output should be a spatial data frame or not.


(Spatial) data frame with strata assigned to Province/State.

See Also

Other helper functions: load_map(), search_species()


# Demonstration of why we can't divide BCR by Provinces and States!
map <- load_map("bcr")
assign_prov_state(map, plot = TRUE)

# Use custom stratification, using sf map object
# e.g. with WBPHS stratum boundaries 2019
# available:

## Not run: 
map <- sf::read_sf("../WBPHS_Stratum_Boundaries_2019") %>%
  rename(strata_name = STRAT) # expects this column
s <- assign_prov_state(map, plot = TRUE)
# Some don't divide nicely, we could try a different min_overlap

s <- assign_prov_state(map, min_overlap = 0.6, plot = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Sample BBS data


Contains only Pacific Wren data





A list containing:

  • birds - counts of each bird seen per route per

  • routes - data for each route run per year

  • species - species list of North America


A sample dataset containing only data for Pacific Wrens for the 2022 state-level BBS data. The full count set is obtained via the function fetch_bbs_data(). The data is obtained from the United States Geological Survey and is subject to change as new data is added each year. See References for citation.

Source via fetch_bbs_data()


Ziolkowski Jr., D.J., Lutmerding, M., Aponte, V.I., and Hudson, M-A.R., 2022, North American Breeding Bird Survey Dataset 1966 - 2021: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Stan models included in bbsBayes2


These models are included in bbsBayes2. The model files themselves can be found in the folder identified by system.file("models", package = "bbsBayes2"). To create a custom Stan model, see copy_model_file() and the model_file argument of prepare_model(). See also the models article for more details.





A data frame with 9 rows and 3 columns:

  • model - Model type

    • first_diff - First difference models

    • gam - General Additive Models (GAM)

    • gamye - General Additive Models (GAM) with Year Effect

    • slope - Slope models

  • variant - Variant of the model to run

    • nonhier - Non-hierarchical models (only available for first difference models)

    • hier - Hierarchical models

    • spatial - Spatial models

  • file - Stan model file name



List of included strata


List of strata included in bbsBayes2. Each list item contains a data frame describing the strata for that stratification (name, area, country, etc.)





A list of 5 data frames

Contains bbs_usgs, bbs_cws, bcr, latlong and prov_state



bbsBayes2 defunct functions



No superseded functions

No longer relevant

No non-relevant functions



Original function arguments

See Also


bbsBayes2 deprecated functions


No deprecated functions



Original function arguments

See Also


Copy model file


Save a predefined Stan model file to a local text file for editing. These files can then be used in prepare_model() by specifying the model_file argument.


copy_model_file(model, model_variant, dir, overwrite = FALSE)



Character. Type of model to use, must be one of "first_diff" (First Differences), "gam" (General Additive Model), "gamye" (General Additive Model with Year Effect), or "slope" (Slope model).


Character. Model variant to use, must be one of "nonhier" (Non-hierarchical), "hier" (Hierarchical; default), or "spatial" (Spatially explicit).


Character. Directory where file should be saved.


Logical. Whether to overwrite an existing copy of the model file.


File path to copy of the new model file.

See Also

Other modelling functions: run_model(), save_model_run()


# Save the Slope model in temp directory
copy_model_file(model = "slope", model_variant = "spatial", dir = tempdir())

# Overwrite an existing copy
copy_model_file(model = "slope", model_variant = "spatial", dir = tempdir(),
                overwrite = TRUE)

# Clean up
unlink(file.path(tempdir(), "slope_spatial_bbs_CV_COPY.stan"))



Introduced in version 1.1.2. The specific coordinate reference system (crs) used for the included strata maps. North_America_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic, projection that provides good visualisation of the main areas covered by the North American Breeding Bird Survey





An object of class crs



Fetch Breeding Bird Survey dataset


Fetch and download Breeding Bird Survey data from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) FTP site. This is the raw data that is uploaded to the site before any analyses are performed. Users can download different types (state, stop) and different releases (currently 2020, 2022, 2023, and 2024).


  level = "state",
  release = 2024,
  force = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE,
  compression = "none"



Character. Which type of BBS counts to use, "state" or "stop". Default "state".


Numeric. Which yearly release to use, 2022 (including data through 2021 field season) or 2020 (including data through 2019). Default 2022.


Logical. Should pre-exising BBS data be overwritten? Default FALSE.


Logical. Suppress progress messages? Default FALSE.


Character. What compression should be used to save data? Default is none which takes up the most space but is the fastest to load. Must be one of none, gz, bz2, or xz (passed to readr::write_rds()'s compress argument).


Users will be asked before saving the BBS data to a package-specific directory created on their computer. Before downloading any data, users must thoroughly read through the USGS terms and conditions for that data and enter the word "yes" to agree.

BBS state level counts provide counts beginning in 1966, aggregated in five bins, each of which contains cumulative counts from 10 of the 50 stops along a route. In contrast BBS stop level counts provides stop-level data beginning in 1997, which includes counts for each stop along routes individually. Note that stop-level data is not currently supported by the modelling utilities in bbsBayes2.

There are multiple releases for each type of data, 2020, 2022, 2023, and 2024. By default all functions use the most recent release unless otherwise specified. For example, the release argument in stratify() can be changed to 2020 to use the 2020 release of state-level counts.

See Also

Other BBS data functions: have_bbs_data(), load_bbs_data(), remove_cache()


fetch_bbs_data(force = TRUE)
fetch_bbs_data(level = "stop", force = TRUE)
fetch_bbs_data(release = 2020, force = TRUE)
fetch_bbs_data(release = 2020, level = "stop", force = TRUE)

Regional annual indices of abundance


Calculate annual indices of relative abundance by year for different regions. These indices can then be used to plot population trajectories for the species, and to estimate trends.


  model_output = NULL,
  quantiles = c(0.025, 0.05, 0.25, 0.75, 0.95, 0.975),
  regions = c("continent", "stratum"),
  regions_index = NULL,
  alternate_n = "n",
  gam_smooths = FALSE,
  start_year = NULL,
  max_backcast = NULL,
  drop_exclude = FALSE,
  hpdi = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE



List. Model output generated by run_model().


Numeric. Vector of quantiles to be sampled from the posterior distribution. Default is c(0.025, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.975). Note that these quantiles will be used to create confidence interval bands in plot_indices() and by quantiles in generate_trends(), so make sure you specify the ones you want to use later.


Character. Which region(s) to summarize and calculate indices for. Default is "continent" and "stratum". Options also include "country", "prov_state", "bcr", and "bcr_by_country". Note that some regions only apply to specific stratifications. You can also supply a custom region that exists as a column in the regions_index data frame (see examples for more details).


Data frame. Custom regions to summarize. Data frame must include all strata in the original data in one column (strata_name), and any custom regions defined as categories in other columns. See examples for more details.


Character. Indicating the name of the alternative annual index parameter in a model, Default is "n" which for all models represents an index of the estimated annual relative abundance, scaled as the expected mean count averaged across all BBS routes and observers in a given stratum and year. For some of the models included in bbsBayes2, alternatives exist that provide a partial decomposition of the time-series. For the "gamye" models, the parameter "n_smooth" represents the smooth-only version of the annual index of relative abundance (i.e., the component of the annual index estimated by the spline-based smooth of the GAM). This "n_smooth" is identical to the "n" values for the same model, but excludes the annual fluctuations. For the "gamye" models, this "n_smooth" parameter is likely the most natural parameter to use in estimating trends. A similar option exists for the "slope" models, where the parameter "n_slope" represents the component of the population trajectory estimated by the log-linear regression slope parameters in the model. Users should be particularly cautious about interpreting this "n_slope" values for relatively long time-series. As a continuous regression slope, it assumes interpreting it as an estimate of population trajectory and using it to generate trend estimates assumes that there is a single continuous rate of population change across the entire time-series. Biologically, this may be reasonable for 10-20 year periods, but will be less reasonable for longer time-periods.


Logical. Whether to return an array of posterior samples of gam-based smooths through the full time-series of annual indices. These can by treated as smooth population trajectories from any model. NOTE: these gam smooths require fitting mgcv::gam() to every posterior draw of every possible population trajectory. As a result, generate_indices can require can require many minutes to complete if set to TRUE.


Numeric. Trim the data record before calculating annual indices.


Numeric. The number of years to back cast stratum-level estimates before the first year that species was observed on any route in that stratum. Default is NULL, which generates annual indices for the entire time series and ignores back-casting. CWS national estimates use a back cast of 5. Note that unless drop_exclude = TRUE, problematic years are only flagged, not omitted. See Details for more specifics.


Logical. Whether or not strata that exceed the max_backcast threshold should be excluded from the calculations. Default is FALSE (regions are flagged and listed but not dropped).


Logical. Should credible intervals and limits be calculated using highest posterior density intervals instead of simple quantiles of the posterior distribution. Default is FALSE. these intervals are often a better descriptor of skewed posterior distributions, such as the predicted mean counts that the indices represent. Note hpd intervals are not stable for small percentages of the posterior distribution, and so hpdi = TRUE is ignored for quantiles values between 0.33 and 0.67 (i.e., if the quantiles value defines a limit for a centered hpd interval that would include < 33% of the posterior distribution).


Logical. Suppress progress messages? Default FALSE.


max_backcast is a way to deal with the fact that the species of interest may not appear in the data until several years after the start of the time-series max_backcast specifies how many years can occur before the stratum is flagged. A max_backcast of 5 will flag any stratum without a non-zero (or non-NA) observation within the first 5 years of the time- series. Note that records are only flagged unless drop_exclude = TRUE. If you find that the early data record is sparse and results in the exclusion of many strata, consider trimming the early years by specifying a start_year.


A list containing

  • indices - data frame of calculated regional annual indices of abundances

  • samples - array of posterior draws from the model

  • meta_data - meta data defining the analysis

  • meta_strata - data frame listing strata meta data

  • raw_data - data frame of summarized counts

  • gam_smooth_samples - optional-array of posterior draws of the gam smooth

indices contains the following columns:

  • year - Year of particular index

  • region - Region name

  • region_type - Type of region

  • strata_included - Strata potentially included in the annual index calculations

  • strata_excluded - Strata potentially excluded from the annual index calculations because they have no observations of the species in the first part of the time series, see arguments max_backcast and start_year

  • index - Strata-weighted count index (median)

  • index_q_XXX - Strata-weighted count index (by different quantiles)

  • obs_mean - Mean observed annual counts of birds across all routes and all years. An alternative estimate of the average relative abundance of the species in the region and year. Differences between this and the annual indices are a function of the model. For composite regions (i.e., anything other than stratum-level estimates) this average count is calculated as an area-weighted average across all strata included

  • n_routes - Number of BBS routes that contributed data for this species, region, and year

  • n_routes_total - Number of BBS routes that contributed data for this species and region for all years in the selected time-series, i.e., all years since start_year

  • n_non_zero - Number of BBS routes on which this species was observed (i.e., count is > 0) in this region and year

  • backcast_flag - Approximate annual average proportion of the covered species range that is free of extrapolated population trajectories. e.g., if 1.0, data cover full time-series; if 0.75, data cover 75 percent of time-series. Only calculated if max_backcast != NULL.

See Also

Other indices and trends functions: generate_trends(), plot_geofacet(), plot_indices(), plot_map()


# Using the example model for Pacific Wrens

# Generate the continental and stratum indices
i <- generate_indices(pacific_wren_model)

# Generate the continental and stratum indices using hpdi
i <- generate_indices(pacific_wren_model, hpdi = TRUE)

# Generate only country indices
i_nat <- generate_indices(pacific_wren_model, regions = "country")

# Use a custom region specification (dummy example)
ri <- bbs_strata[["bbs_cws"]]
ri <- mutate(ri, my_region = if_else(prov_state %in% "ON",
                                     "Ontario", "Rest"))

# Generate indices with these custom regions
i_custom <- generate_indices(
  regions = c("country", "prov_state", "my_region"),
  regions_index = ri)

Convergence metrics


Calculate convergence metrics for the model run. Specifically calculates bulk and tail effective sample sizes (ess_bulk, ess_tail) and R-hat (rhat). Returns output very similar to get_summary().


get_convergence(model_output, variables = NULL)



List. Model output generated by run_model().


Character vector. Specific variables (e.g., "strata_raw[1]") or variable types (e.g., "strata_raw") for which to calculate metrics. If NULL (default) all variables are returned.


Data frame of convergence metrics for all model variables. Contains variable_type, variable, ess_bulk, ess_tail, and rhat.

See Also

Other model assessment functions: get_model_vars(), get_summary()


# Temporarily suppress convergence warning for legibility
# "The ESS has been capped to avoid unstable estimates."
opts <- options(warn = -1)

# Using the example model for Pacific Wrens

get_convergence(pacific_wren_model, variables = "strata_raw")
get_convergence(pacific_wren_model, variables = "strata_raw[9]")

# Restore warnings

Get model variables


Returns the basic model variables and/or variable types (note that most variables have different iterations for each strata and each year).


get_model_vars(model_output, all = FALSE)



List. Model output generated by run_model().


Logical. Whether or not to return all, specific variables (e.g., strata_raw[1] or just variable types (e.g., strata_raw). Defaults to FALSE (variable types only).


A character vector of all model variable types.

See Also

Other model assessment functions: get_convergence(), get_summary()


# Using the example model for Pacific Wrens...

# List variable types

# List all variables
get_model_vars(pacific_wren_model, all = TRUE)

Return the cmdstanr summary


Extract and return the model summary using cmdstanr::summary().


get_summary(model_output, variables = NULL)



List. Model output generated by run_model().


Character vector. Specific variables (e.g., "strata_raw[1]") or variable types (e.g., "strata_raw") for which to calculate metrics. If NULL (default) all variables are returned.


A data frame of model summary statistics.

See Also

Other model assessment functions: get_convergence(), get_model_vars()


# Temporarily suppress convergence warning for legibility
# "The ESS has been capped to avoid unstable estimates."
opts <- options(warn = -1)

# Using the example model for Pacific Wrens

get_summary(pacific_wren_model, variables = "strata_raw")
get_summary(pacific_wren_model, variables = "strata_raw[9]")

# Restore warnings

Check whether BBS data exists locally


Use this function to check if you have the BBS data downloaded and where bbsBayes2 is expecting to find it. If it returns FALSE, the data is not present; use fetch_bbs_data() to retrieve it.


have_bbs_data(level = "state", release = 2024, quiet = FALSE)



Character. BBS data to check, one of "all", "state", or "stop". Default "state".


Character/Numeric. BBS data to check, one of "all", or the annual releases. Default 2024


Logical. Suppress progress messages? Default FALSE.


TRUE if the data is found, FALSE otherwise

See Also

Other BBS data functions: fetch_bbs_data(), load_bbs_data(), remove_cache()


have_bbs_data(release = 2020)
have_bbs_data(release = "all", level = "all")

Check if cmdstan is installed


Wrapper around cmdstanr::cmdstan_version(error_on_NA = FALSE) for quick check.




Used internally for skipping examples and tests if no cmdstan installed.

Load Breeding Bird Survey data


Load the local, minimally processed, raw, unstratified data. The data must have been previously fetched using fetch_bbs_data(). This function is provided for custom explorations and is not part of the analysis workflow; stratify() will do the loading for you.


load_bbs_data(level = "state", release = 2024, sample = FALSE, quiet = TRUE)



Character. Which type of BBS counts to use, "state" or "stop". Default "state".


Numeric. Which yearly release to use, 2022 (including data through 2021 field season) or 2020 (including data through 2019). Default 2022.


Logical. Whether or not to use the sample data for Pacific Wrens (see ?bbs_data_sample). Default is FALSE. If TRUE, level and release are ignored.


Logical. Suppress progress messages? Default FALSE.


Large list (3 elements) consisting of:


Data frame of sample bird point count data per route, per year


Data frame of sample yearly route data


Sample list of North American bird species

See Also

Other BBS data functions: fetch_bbs_data(), have_bbs_data(), remove_cache()

Load a geographic strata map


Load one of the included spatial data files (maps) as a simple features object (sf package)


load_map(stratify_by = NULL, type = "strata")



Character. Stratification type. One of "prov_state", "bcr", "latlong", "bbs_cws", "bbs_usgs".


Character. "strata" or political map ("North America", "Canada" or "US"/"USA"/"United States of America").


sf polygon object

See Also

Other helper functions: assign_prov_state(), search_species()


# Toy example with Pacific Wren sample data
# First, stratify the sample data
strat_map <- load_map(stratify_by = "bbs_cws")

# simple plot of the map

# or use ggplot2
ggplot(data = strat_map) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = strata_name), show.legend = FALSE)

Example model output


Example model output from running a hierarchical first difference model on the included sample data for Pacific Wrens.





A list output from run_model() with 4 items

  • model_fit - cmdstanr model output

  • model_data - list of data formatted for use in Stan modelling

  • meta_data - meta data defining the analysis

  • meta_strata - data frame listing strata meta data

  • raw_data - data frame of summarized counts


# Code to replicate:
## Not run: 
pacific_wren_model <- stratify(by = "bbs_cws", sample_data = TRUE) %>%
  prepare_data() %>%
  prepare_model(model = "first_diff", set_seed = 111) %>%
  run_model(chains = 2, iter_sampling = 20, iter_warmup = 20, set_seed = 111)

## End(Not run)

Create geofacet plot of population trajectories by province/state


Generate a faceted plot of population trajectories by province/state. Only possible if indices created by generate_indices() include the prov_state region. All geofacet plots have one facet per state/province, so if there are multiple strata per facet, these can be plotted as separate trajectories within each facet (multiple = TRUE).


  ci_width = 0.95,
  multiple = FALSE,
  trends = NULL,
  slope = FALSE,
  add_observed_means = FALSE,
  col_viridis = FALSE



List. Indices generated by generate_indices().


Numeric. Quantile defining the width of the plotted credible interval. Defaults to 0.95 (lower = 0.025 and upper = 0.975). Note these quantiles need to have been precalculated in generate_indices().


Logical. Whether to plot multiple strata-level trajectories within each prov/state facet. Default FALSE.


List. (Optional) Output generated by generate_trends(). If included trajectories are coloured based on the same colour scale used in plot_map.


Logical. If trends included, whether colours in the plot should be based on slope trends. Default FALSE.


Logical. Whether to include points indicating the observed mean counts. Default FALSE. Note: scale of observed means and annual indices may not match due to imbalanced sampling among routes. Also, pattern of change in observed means through time should reflect estimated population trajectories for strata-level summaries. However, the temporal patterns may be very different between means and annual indices for composite regions (e.g., continental, state, province, or BCR) because the indices for composite regions account for the variation in area weights and variation in relative abundances among strata, and the observed mean counts do not. For strata-level assessments, these observed means can be a useful model assessment tool. For composite regions, their interpretation is more complicated.


Logical. Should the colour-blind-friendly "viridis" palette be used. Default FALSE.


ggplot object

See Also

Other indices and trends functions: generate_indices(), generate_trends(), plot_indices(), plot_map()


# Using the example model for Pacific Wrens...

# Generate indices
i <- generate_indices(pacific_wren_model,
                      regions = c("stratum", "prov_state"))
# Generate trends
t <- generate_trends(i)

# Now make the geofacet plot.
plot_geofacet(i, trends = t, multiple = TRUE)
plot_geofacet(i, trends = t, multiple = TRUE, col_viridis = TRUE)
plot_geofacet(i, multiple = TRUE)
plot_geofacet(i, trends = t, multiple = FALSE)
plot_geofacet(i, multiple = FALSE)

# With different ci_width, specify desired quantiles in indices
i <- generate_indices(pacific_wren_model,
                      regions = c("stratum", "prov_state"),
                      quantiles = c(0.005, 0.995))

plot_geofacet(i, multiple = FALSE, ci_width = 0.99)

Generate plots of index trajectories by stratum


Generates the indices plot for each stratum modelled.


  indices = NULL,
  ci_width = 0.95,
  min_year = NULL,
  max_year = NULL,
  title = TRUE,
  title_size = 20,
  axis_title_size = 18,
  axis_text_size = 16,
  line_width = 1,
  spaghetti = FALSE,
  n_spaghetti = 100,
  alpha_spaghetti = 0.2,
  add_observed_means = FALSE,
  add_number_routes = FALSE



List. Indices generated by generate_indices().


Numeric. Quantile defining the width of the plotted credible interval. Defaults to 0.95 (lower = 0.025 and upper = 0.975). Note these quantiles need to have been precalculated in generate_indices().


Numeric. Minimum year to plot.


Numeric. Maximum year to plot.


Logical. Whether to include a title on the plot.


Numeric. Font size of plot title. Defaults to 20


Numeric. Font size of axis titles. Defaults to 18


Numeric. Font size of axis text. Defaults to 16


Numeric. Size of the trajectory line. Defaults to 1


Logical. False by default. Plotting option to visualise the uncertainty in the estimated population trajectories. Instead of plotting the trajectory as a single line with an uncertainty bound, if TRUE, then the plot shows a sample of the posterior distribution of the estimated population trajectories. E.g., 100 semi-transparent lines, each representing one posterior draw of the population trajectory.


Integer. 100 by default. Number of posterior draws of the population trajectory to include in the plot. Ignored if spaghetti = FALSE.


Numeric between 0 and 1, 0.2 by default. Alpha value - transparency of each individual population trajectory line in the spaghetti plot. Ignored if spaghetti = FALSE.


Logical. Whether to include points indicating the observed mean counts. Default FALSE. Note: scale of observed means and annual indices may not match due to imbalanced sampling among routes. Also, pattern of change in observed means through time should reflect estimated population trajectories for strata-level summaries. However, the temporal patterns may be very different between means and annual indices for composite regions (e.g., continental, state, province, or BCR) because the indices for composite regions account for the variation in area weights and variation in relative abundances among strata, and the observed mean counts do not. For strata-level assessments, these observed means can be a useful model assessment tool. For composite regions, their interpretation is more complicated.


Logical. Whether to superimpose dotplot showing the number of BBS routes included in each year. This is useful as a visual check on the relative data-density through time because in most cases the number of observations increases over time.


List of ggplot2 plots, each item being a plot of a stratum's indices.

See Also

Other indices and trends functions: generate_indices(), generate_trends(), plot_geofacet(), plot_map()


# Using the example model for Pacific Wrens...

# Generate country, continent, and stratum indices
i <- generate_indices(model_output = pacific_wren_model,
                      regions = c("country", "continent", "stratum"))

# Now, plot_indices() will generate a list of plots for all regions
plots <- plot_indices(i)

# To view any plot, use [[i]]


# Suppose we wanted to access the continental plot. We could do so with

# You can specify to only plot a subset of years using min_year and max_year

# Plots indices from 2015 onward
p_2015_min <- plot_indices(i, min_year = 2015)

#Plot up indices up to the year 2017
p_2017_max <- plot_indices(i, max_year = 2017)

#Plot indices between 2011 and 2016
p_2011_2016 <- plot_indices(i, min_year = 2011, max_year = 2016)

Generate a map of trends by strata


plot_map() allows you to generate a colour-coded map of the percent change in species trends for each strata.


  slope = FALSE,
  title = TRUE,
  alternate_column = NULL,
  col_viridis = FALSE,
  strata_custom = NULL,
  zoom_range = TRUE



List. Trends generated by generate_trends().


Logical. Whether or not to map values of the alternative trend metric (slope of a log-linear regression) if slope = TRUE was used in generate_trends(), through the annual indices. Default FALSE.


Logical. Whether or not to include a title with species. Default TRUE.


Character, Optional name of numerical column in trends dataframe to plot. If one of the columns with "trend" in the title, (e.g., trend_q_0.05 then the colour scheme and breaks will match those used in the default trend maps)


Logical. Should the colour-blind-friendly "viridis" palette be used. Default FALSE.


(sf) Data Frame. Data frame of modified existing stratification, or a sf spatial data frame with polygons defining the custom stratifications. See details on strata_custom in stratify().


Logical. When TRUE (default) zooms into region of the map where trend data are available. If FALSE, map extends out to cover all of the stratification map. Zoom-in uses ggplot2::coord_sf()


a ggplot2 plot

See Also

Other indices and trends functions: generate_indices(), generate_trends(), plot_geofacet(), plot_indices()


# Using the example model for Pacific Wrens...

# Generate the continental and stratum indices
i <- generate_indices(pacific_wren_model)

# Now generate trends
t <- generate_trends(i, slope = TRUE)

# Generate the map (without slope trends)

# Generate the map (with slope trends)
plot_map(t, slope = TRUE)

# Viridis
plot_map(t, col_viridis = TRUE)

# Generate a map (with alternate column - lower 95% Credible limit)
plot_map(t, alternate_column = "trend_q_0.05")

Filter for data quality


Check and filter the stratified data by minimum required samples for modelling, and prepare data format for use by models.


  min_year = NULL,
  max_year = NULL,
  min_n_routes = 3,
  min_max_route_years = 3,
  min_mean_route_years = 1,
  quiet = FALSE



List. Stratified data generated by stratify()


Numeric. Minimum year to use. Default (NULL) uses first year in data.


Numeric. Maximum year to use. Default (NULL) uses first year in data.


Numeric. Required minimum routes per strata where species has been observed. Default 3.


Numeric. Required minimum number of years with non-zero observations of species on at least 1 route. Default 3. Only retain strata with at least one route where the species was observed at least once in this many years.


Numeric. Required minimum average of years per route with the species observed. Default 1. Only retain strata where the average number of years the species was observed per route is greater than this value.


Logical. Suppress progress messages? Default FALSE.


List of prepared (meta) data to be used for modelling and further steps.

  • model_data - list of data formatted for use in Stan modelling

  • meta_data - meta data defining the analysis

  • meta_strata - data frame listing strata meta data

  • raw_data - data frame of summarized counts used to create model_data (just formatted more nicely)

See Also

Other Data prep functions: prepare_model(), prepare_spatial(), stratify()


# Toy example with Pacific Wren sample data

# First, stratify the sample data

s <- stratify(by = "bbs_cws", sample_data = TRUE)

# Prepare the stratified data for use in a model. In this
#   toy example, we will set the minimum year as 2009 and
#   maximum year as 2018, effectively only setting up to
#   model 10 years of data.

p <- prepare_data(s, min_year = 2009, max_year = 2018)

Prepare model parameters


Calculate and format the prepared data for use in modelling. Different parameters are definied for different types of models (see ?bbs_models for a list of models included in bbsBayes2).


  model_variant = "hier",
  model_file = NULL,
  use_pois = FALSE,
  heavy_tailed = TRUE,
  n_knots = NULL,
  basis = "mgcv",
  calculate_nu = FALSE,
  calculate_log_lik = FALSE,
  calculate_cv = FALSE,
  cv_k = 10,
  cv_fold_groups = "obs_n",
  cv_omit_singles = TRUE,
  set_seed = NULL,
  quiet = FALSE



List. Prepared data generated by prepare_data() (if model-variant is not spatial) or prepare_spatial() (if model_variant is "spatial").


Character. Type of model to use, must be one of "first_diff" (First Differences), "gam" (General Additive Model), "gamye" (General Additive Model with Year Effect), or "slope" (Slope model).


Character. Model variant to use, must be one of "nonhier" (Non-hierarchical), "hier" (Hierarchical; default), or "spatial" (Spatially explicit).


Character. Optional location of a custom Stan model file to use.


Logical. Whether to use an Over-Dispersed Poisson model (TRUE) or an Negative Binomial model (FALSE; default).


Logical. Whether extra-Poisson error distributions should be modelled as a t-distribution, with heavier tails than the standard normal distribution. Default TRUE. Recent results suggest this is best even though it requires much longer convergence times. Can only be set to FALSE with Poisson models (i.e. use_pois = TRUE).


Numeric. Number of knots for "gam" and "gamye" models


Character. Basis function to use for GAM smooth, one of "original" or "mgcv". Default is "original", the same basis used in Smith and Edwards 2020. "mgcv" is an alternate that uses the "tp" basis from the package mgcv (also used in brms, and rstanarm). If using the "mgcv" option, the user may want to consider adjusting the prior distributions for the parameters and their precision.


Logical. Whether to calculate the nu parameter as a factor of gamma(2, 0.1). Default FALSE.


Logical. Whether to calculate point-wise log-likelihood of the data given the model. Default FALSE.


Logical. Whether to use bbsBayes2' cross validation. Note this is experimental. See Details.


Numeric. The number of K folds to include (only relevant if calculate_cv = TRUE). Default 10. Note this is experimental.


Character. The data column to use when determining the grouping level of the observations to be assigned to different fold groups. Must be one of obs_n (default) or routes (only relevant if calculate_cv = TRUE). Note this is experimental. See the models article for more details.


Logical. Whether to omit test groups with no replication (only relevant if calculate_cv = TRUE). Default TRUE. See the models article for more details.


Numeric. If NULL (default) no seed is set. Otherwise an integer number to be used with withr::with_seed() internally to ensure reproducibility.


Logical. Suppress progress messages? Default FALSE.


There are two ways you can customize the model run. The first is to supply a custom model_file created with the copy_model_file() function and then edited by hand.

Second, you can edit or overwrite the initialization parameters (init_values) in the output of prepare_model() to customize the init supplied to cmdstanr::sample(). You can supply these parameters in anyway that cmdstanr::sample() accepts the init argument. See also the init_alternate argument in run_model().

To implement bbsBayes2' version of cross validation, set calculate_cv = TRUE. You can set up your own system for cross validation by modifying the folds list-item in the output of prepare_model(). Note this is considered experimental.

See the models article for more advanced examples and explanations.


A list of prepared data.

  • model_data - list of data formatted for use in Stan modelling

  • init_values - list of initialization parameters

  • folds - a vector of k-fold groups each observation is assigned to (if calculate_cv = TRUE), or NULL

  • meta_data - meta data defining the analysis

  • meta_strata - data frame listing strata meta data

  • raw_data - data frame of summarized counts used to create model_data (just formatted more nicely)

See Also

Other Data prep functions: prepare_data(), prepare_spatial(), stratify()


s <- stratify(by = "bbs_cws", sample_data = TRUE)
p <- prepare_data(s)
pm <- prepare_model(p, model = "first_diff", model_variant = "hier")

Define neighbouring strata for spatial analyses


Given the prepared data and a spatial data frame of polygons outlining strata, identify a neighbourhood matrix for use in modelling.


  voronoi = FALSE,
  nearest_fill = FALSE,
  island_link_dist_factor = 1.2,
  buffer_type = "buffer",
  buffer_dist = 10000,
  add_map = NULL,
  label_size = 3,
  quiet = FALSE



List. Prepared data generated by prepare_data().


sf Data Frame. sf map of the strata in (MULTI)POLYGONs. Must have column "strata_name" matching strata output from prepare_data().


Logical. Whether or not to use Voroni method. Default FALSE.


Logical. For strata with no neighbours, whether or not to fill in by centroids of the 2 nearest neighbours when not using the Voronoi method. Default FALSE.


Numeric. Distances within a factor of this amount are considered nearest strata neighbours. Used when linking otherwise isolated islands of strata, when not using the Voronoi method. Default 1.2.


Character. Which buffer type to use when using the Voronoi method. Must be one of buffer (default) or convex_hull. See Details for specifics.


Numeric. Distance to buffer and link the strata if not connected when using the Voronoi method. Units are that of sf::st_crs(strata_map). This is the starting distance if buffer_type = "buffer" or the final distance if buffer_type = "convex_hull". Default 10000. See Details.


sf object. Spatial data to add to map output.


Numeric. Size of the labels on the map. For data with many different strata it can be useful to reduce the size of the labels. Default 3.


Logical. Suppress progress messages? Default FALSE.


When using the Voronoi method, a buffer is used to fill around and link strata together. If the buffer_type is buffer, buffer_dist is the starting distance over which to buffer. If not all strata are linked, this distance is increased by 10% and applied again, repeating until all strata are linked. If buffer_type is convex_hull, then a convex hull is used to link up the strata before applying a buffer at a distance of buffer_dist. Note that all distances are in the units of sf::st_crs(strata_map).


List of prepared (meta) data to be used for modelling and further steps.

  • spatial_data - list of samples, nodes, adjacent matrix and map visualizing the matrix

  • model_data - list of data formatted for use in Stan modelling

  • meta_data - meta data defining the analysis

  • meta_strata - data frame listing strata meta data

  • raw_data - data frame of summarized counts used to create model_data (just formatted more nicely)

See Also

Other Data prep functions: prepare_data(), prepare_model(), stratify()


map <- load_map("bbs_cws")
s <- stratify(by = "bbs_cws", sample_data = TRUE)
p <- prepare_data(s, min_max_route_years = 2)
sp <- prepare_spatial(p, map)

# Visually explore the spatial linkages

# Overlay subset strata map on original mapping data
sp <- prepare_spatial(p, map, add_map = map)

Remove bbsBayes2 cache


Remove all or some of the data downloaded via fetch_bbs_data() as well as model executables created by cmdstanr::cmdstan_model() via run_model().


remove_cache(type = "bbs_data", level = "all", release = "all")



Character. Which cached data to remove. One of "all", "bbs_data", or "models". If "all", removes entire cache directory (and all data contained therein). If "bbs_data", removes only BBS data downloaded with fetch_bbs_data(). If "models", removes only model executables compiled when run_models() is run.


Character. BBS data to remove, one of "all", "state", or "stop". Only applies if type = "bbs_data". Default "all".


Character/Numeric. BBS data to remove, one of "all", 2020, 2022, 2024, or 2024. Only applies if type = "bbs_data". Default "all".



See Also

Other BBS data functions: fetch_bbs_data(), have_bbs_data(), load_bbs_data()


## Not run: 
# Remove everything
remove_cache(type = "all")

# Remove all BBS data files (but not the dir)
remove_cache(level = "all", release = "all")

# Remove all 'stop' data
remove_cache(level = "stop", release = "all")

# Remove all 2020 data
remove_cache(level = "all", release = 2020)

# Remove 2020 stop data
remove_cache(level = "stop", release = 2020)

# Remove all model executables
remove_cache(type = "model")

## End(Not run)

Run Bayesian model


Run Bayesian model with cmdstandr::sample()using prepare data and model parameters specified in previous steps.


  refresh = 100,
  chains = 4,
  parallel_chains = 4,
  iter_warmup = 1000,
  iter_sampling = 1000,
  adapt_delta = 0.8,
  max_treedepth = 11,
  k = NULL,
  output_basename = NULL,
  output_dir = ".",
  save_model = TRUE,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  retain_csv = FALSE,
  set_seed = NULL,
  quiet = FALSE,
  show_exceptions = FALSE,
  init_alternate = NULL,



List. Model data generated by prepare_model().


Numeric. Passed to cmdstanr::sample(). Number of iterations between screen updates. If 0, only errors are shown.


Numeric. Passed to cmdstanr::sample(). Number of Markov chains to run.


Numeric. Passed to cmdstanr::sample(). Maximum number of chains to run in parallel.


Numeric. Passed to cmdstanr::sample(). Number of warmup iterations per chain.


Numeric. Passed to cmdstanr::sample(). Number of sampling (post-warmup) iterations per chain.


Numeric. Passed to cmdstanr::sample(). The adaptation target acceptance statistic.


Numeric. Passed to cmdstanr::sample(). The maximum allowed tree depth for the NUTS engine. See ?cmdstanr::sample.


Numeric. The K-fold group to run for cross-validation. Only relevant if folds defined by prepare_model(calculate_cv = TRUE) or custom definition. See ?prepare_model or the models article for more details.


Character. Name of the files created as part of the Stan model run and the final model output RDS file if save_model = TRUE. Defaults to a character string that is unique to the species, model, model_variant, and system time of model_run() call (nearest minute).


Character. Directory in which all model files will be created. Defaults to the working directory, but recommend that the user sets this to a particular existing directory for better file organization.


Logical. Whether or not to save the model output to file as an RDS object with all required data. Defaults to TRUE.


Logical. Whether to overwrite an existing model output file when saving.


Logical. Whether to retain the Stan csv files after the model has finished running and the fitted object has been saved. Defaults to FALSE because csv files duplicate information saved in the model output file save object, when save_model = TRUE, and so for file organization and efficient use of memory, these are deleted by default.


Numeric. If NULL (default) no seed is set. Otherwise an integer number to be used with withr::with_seed() internally to ensure reproducibility.


Logical. Suppress progress messages? Default FALSE.


Logical. Passed to cmdstanr::sample(). Defaults to FALSE. When TRUE, prints all informational messages from Stan, for example rejection of the current proposal. Disabled by default in bbsBayes2, because of the copious informational messages during the initialization period that have no bearing on model fit. If fitting a custom model, recommend setting this to TRUE.


Passed to init argument in cmdstanr::sample(). Replaces the initial values in the model_data[["init_values"]] created by prepare_model. Should accept any of the acceptable approaches to setting inits argment in ?cmdstanr::sample.


Other arguments passed on to cmdstanr::sample().


The model is set up in prepare_model(). The run_model() function does the final (and often long-running) step of actually running the model. Here is where you can tweak how the model will be run (iterations etc.).

See the models article for more advanced examples and explanations.


List model fit and other (meta) data.

  • model_fit - cmdstanr model output

  • model_data - list of data formatted for use in Stan modelling

  • meta_data - meta data defining the analysis

  • meta_strata - data frame listing strata meta data

  • raw_data - data frame of summarized counts

See Also

Other modelling functions: copy_model_file(), save_model_run()


s <- stratify(by = "bbs_cws", sample_data = TRUE)
p <- prepare_data(s)
pm <- prepare_model(p, model = "first_diff", model_variant = "hier")

# Run model (quick and dirty)
m <- run_model(pm, iter_warmup = 20, iter_sampling = 20, chains = 2)

Save output of run_model()


This function closely imitates cmdstanr::save_object() but saves the entire model output object from run_model() which contains more details regarding data preparation (stratification etc.).


  retain_csv = TRUE,
  path = NULL,
  quiet = FALSE,
  save_file_path = NULL



List. Model output generated by run_model().


Logical Should the Stan csv files be retained. Defaults to TRUE if user calls function directly. However, when this function is called internally by run_model this is set to FALSE.


Character. Optional file path to use for saved data. Defaults to the file path used for the original run.


Logical. Suppress progress messages? Default FALSE.


Character. file path and full file name, including .rds extension.


Files are saved to path, or if not provided, to the original location of the Stan model run files (if the original files exist).


Nothing. Creates an .rds file at path.

See Also

Other modelling functions: copy_model_file(), run_model()


# By default, the model is saved as an RDS file during `run_model()`

# But you can also deliberately save the file (here with an example model)
save_model_run(pacific_wren_model, path = "my_model.rds")

# Clean up

Search for species


A helper function for finding the appropriate species name for use in stratify().


search_species(species, combine_species_forms = TRUE)



Character/Numeric. Search term, either name in English or French, AOU code, or scientific genus or species. Matches by regular expression but ignores case.


Logical. Whether or not to search the combined species data or the uncombined species. Note that this results in different species names.


Subset of the BBS species data frame matching the species pattern.

See Also

Other helper functions: assign_prov_state(), load_map()


# Search for various terms
search_species("^73") # Use regex to match aou codes starting with 73
search_species("blue grouse")
search_species("sooty grouse")

# To combine or not
search_species("blue grouse", combine_species_forms = FALSE)
search_species("sooty grouse", combine_species_forms = FALSE)
search_species("northern flicker")
search_species("northern flicker", combine_species_forms = FALSE)

Species forms


Species forms which will be combined if combine_species_forms is TRUE in stratify().





A data frame with 13 rows and 5 columns

  • aou_unid - The AOU id number which will identify the combined unidentified form

  • ensligh_original - The English name of the original 'unidentified' form

  • english_combined - The English name of the new 'combined' forms

  • french_combined - The French name of the new 'combined' forms

  • aou_id - The AOU id numbers of all the forms which will be combined



Species notes


Introduced in version 1.1.2. List of species and comments returned as warning messages if the time-span of an analysis is not appropriate: A collection of species and species-complexes where observations are not consistently recorded through time. List intended to help flag particular species where some trend analyses may be inappropriate.





A data frame with 6 rows and 5 columns

  • english - The English name of the species

  • french - Le nom francais, de l'espece

  • aou - The unique numerical identification of the species in the BBS database

  • minimum_year - The suggested first year by which the species observations are consistent

  • warning - The text warning and explanation delivered by the prepare_data function



Stratify and filter Breeding Bird Survey data


Assign count data to strata and filter by species of interest. Routes are assigned to strata based on their geographic location and the stratification specified by the user. Species are filtered by matching English, French or Scientific names to those in the BBS species data (see search_species() for a flexible search to identify correct species names).


  strata_custom = NULL,
  combine_species_forms = TRUE,
  release = 2024,
  sample_data = FALSE,
  return_omitted = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE



Character. Stratification type. Either an established type, one of "prov_state", "bcr", "latlong", "bbs_cws", "bbs_usgs", or a custom name (see strata_custom for details).


Character. Bird species of interest. Can be specified by English, French, or Scientific names, or AOU code. Use search_species() for loose matching to find the exact name/code needed.


(sf) Data Frame. Data frame of modified existing stratification, or a sf spatial data frame with polygons defining the custom stratifications. See Details.


Logical. Whether to combine ambiguous species forms. Default TRUE. See Details.


Numeric. Which yearly release to use, 2022 (including data through 2021 field season) or 2020 (including data through 2019). Default 2022.


Logical. Use sample data (just Pacific Wrens). Default FALSE.


Logical. Whether or not to return a data frame of route-years which were omitted during stratification as they did not overlap with any stratum. For checking and troubleshooting. Default FALSE.


Logical. Suppress progress messages? Default FALSE.


To define a custom subset of an existing stratification, specify the stratification in by (e.g., "bbs_cws") and then supply a subset of bbs_strata[["bbc_cws"]] to strata_custom (see examples).

To define a completely new custom stratification, specify the name you would like use in by (e.g., "east_west_divide") and then supply a spatial data frame with polygons identifying the different strata to strata_custom. Note that this data must have a column called exactly strata_name which names all the strata contained (see examples). This column must also be of class character not numeric or factor.

If combine_species_forms is TRUE (default), species with multiple forms (e.g., "unid. Dusky Grouse / Sooty Grouse") are included in overall species groupings (i.e., "unid." are combined with "Dusky Grouse" and "Sooty Grouse" into "Blue Grouse (Dusky/Sooty)"). If the user wishes to keep the forms separate, combine_species_forms can be set to FALSE. See the data frame species_forms, for which species are set to be combined with which other species.

See vignette("stratification", package = "bbsBayes2") and the article custom stratification for more details.


List of (meta) data.

  • meta_data - meta data defining the analysis

  • meta_strata - data frame listing strata names and area for all strata relevant to the data (i.e. some may have been removed due to lack of count data). Contains at least strata_name (the label of the stratum), and area_sq_km (area of the stratum).

  • birds_strata - data frame of stratified count-level data filtered by species

  • routes_strata - data frame of stratified route-level data filtered by species

See Also

Other Data prep functions: prepare_data(), prepare_model(), prepare_spatial()


# Sample Data - USGS BBS strata
s <- stratify(by = "bbs_usgs", sample_data = TRUE)

# Full data - species and stratification
# Use `search_species()` to get correct species name

# Stratify by CWS BBS strata
s <- stratify(by = "bbs_cws", species = "Common Loon")

# Use use English, French, Scientific, or AOU codes for species names
s <- stratify(by = "bbs_cws", species = "Plongeon huard")
s <- stratify(by = "bbs_cws", species = 70)
s <- stratify(by = "bbs_cws", species = "Gavia immer")

# Stratify by Bird Conservation Regions
s <- stratify(by = "bcr", species = "Great Horned Owl")

# Stratify by CWS BBS strata
s <- stratify(by = "bbs_cws", species = "Canada Jay")

# Stratify by State/Province/Territory only
s <- stratify(by = "prov_state", species = "Common Loon")
s <- stratify(by = "prov_state", species = "Plongeon huard")
s <- stratify(by = "prov_state", species = 70)

# Stratify by blocks of 1 degree of latitude X 1 degree of longitude
s <- stratify(by = "latlong", species = "Snowy Owl")

# Check routes omitted by stratification
s <- stratify(by = "latlong", species = "Snowy Owl", return_omitted = TRUE)

# Use combined or non-combined species forms

search_species("Sooty grouse")
s <- stratify(by = "bbs_usgs", species = "Blue Grouse (Dusky/Sooty)")
nrow(s$birds_strata) # Contains all Dusky, Sooty and unidentified

search_species("Sooty grouse", combine_species_forms = FALSE)
s <- stratify(by = "bbs_usgs", species = "unid. Dusky Grouse / Sooty Grouse",
              combine_species_forms = FALSE)
nrow(s$birds_strata) # Contains *only* unidentified

# Stratify by a subset of an existing stratification
my_cws <- filter(bbs_strata[["bbs_cws"]], country_code == "CA")
s <- stratify(by = "bbs_cws", strata_custom = my_cws, species = "Snowy Owl")

my_bcr <- filter(bbs_strata[["bcr"]], strata_name == "BCR8")
s <- stratify(by = "bcr", strata_custom = my_bcr,
              species = "Yellow-rumped Warbler (all forms)")

# Stratify by Custom stratification, using sf map object
# e.g. with WBPHS stratum boundaries 2019
# available:

## Not run: 
map <- sf::read_sf("../WBPHS_Stratum_Boundaries_2019") %>%
  rename(strata_name = STRAT) # stratify expects this column

s <- stratify(by = "WBPHS_2019", strata_map = map)

## End(Not run)